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Centrum hydraulického výzkumu spol. s r.o.

In 2010, SIGMA GROUP a.s. established CENTRUM HYDRAULICKÉHO VÝZKUMU company, which has the status of a research organization. The task of this organization is to ensure the participation of scientific and academic institutions, university students and practicioners in basic research and development in the field of fluid hydraulics, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic machines and pumping technology. CENTRUM HYDRALICKÉHO VÝZKUMU cooperates in the field of basic and applied research with a number of important national and international institutions - ÚT AVČR, VUT Brno, ČVUT Praha, TU Liberec, TU Ostrava, UP Olomouc, CERIT, IAPWS, STU Bratislava, University of Jyväskylä.

Contact person: Ing. Lukáš Zavadil, Ph.D.

Phone: +420 585 652 402
